Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Bird Count

Counting birds in Astoria in a Christmas Bird Count 12/15/19, a tradition started in 1900 by the Audubon Society. Over 77,000 people participate in CBCs each year in the US, Canada, and Latin America.

Highlights included finding Eurasian Wigeon in two different places (above) and also finding Common Goldeneye (below) in two places (a species that only we found).

One of the unique birds that only we found was a Great Egret, way off in the distance. Scoping proved that it was indeed an egret, and not just a plastic bag.

Another unique bird, that only we found, was Orange-crowned Warbler (above), at Bucky's feeder on 6th near Exchange, across the street from where a goat lives (below).

It was foggy all morning, and only warmed up to the low 40s all day, but at least it didn't rain!

We found two Lincoln's Sparrows in a the brambles in a big field along the Columbia River, in the morning fog.

Diana in the CBC (with sky as imagined by Alan).