Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Road Trip!

Took a 2-week road trip to try to see some new Oregon birds, escape wildfire smoke (not entirely successful), and visit family in Colorado.

Summer Tanager, at a fruit stand in Kimberly, Oregon (near the Painted Hills and John Day), that had been around for about 2 weeks already. I searched for 30 minutes and got one glimpse, then continued searching. Finally, Alan purchased some fruit, and that did the trick! The bird immediately appeared on a branch above the fruit stand.

Plumbeous Vireo, rarely seen in Oregon, at Page Springs Campground near Malheur NWR. This species was also seen at Page Springs around the same time in 2017, 2018, and 2019. I tried several times before finally seeing it. On 9/22/20 around 10am, I heard it faintly call a couple of times near the river, so I crept closer to the sound and was looking for a place to stand in the shade, when I noticed the bird sitting on a branch about 3' off the ground, and only about 8' away from me!